Fishing Times 7:30 am – 10:30 am
Age Groups
Small Fry Division is up to the age of 10 (Any child that starts the trail in the small fry division and turns
11 years of age will stay in the small fry division for that year.)
Junior Division is from 11years of age thru the age of 16.(any child that starts the year at the age of 16, but
has a birthday during the year and turns 17 will be allowed to fish till the end of the year.)
Anglers must pre-register for each Tournament. Registration must be completed by 12:00 p.m. the Friday prior to the tournament
date. Anyone through the age of 16 may participate in the tournaments. Anglers need to provide their own tackle, and only
artificial lures may be used (no live bait). There is a tournament registration fee (One time fee for the year). There is
a $1.50 entrance fee into Broward County Parks, for anyone over the age of 5. There is no entry fee into Palm Beach Parks.
These are all catch and release tournaments. All fish must be released for points to count. There will be a dead fish penalty
(.13) for any fish that does not swim away. Anglers must provide either a weigh bag or cooler to transport live fish to weigh
station. All coolers will be checked before the start of each tournament.
A maximum of 70 anglers (35 in each age category) will be allowed to fish in each tournament. There is a 5 fish limit,
10 inch minimum for all Junior Anglers. There is no size limit to any Small Fry Angler . Only peacock and largemouth bass
will count in the tournament. Anyone age 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Fishing is restricted
to the shore. In the case of a tie, angler with biggest fish wins. All tournament committee decisions are final.
You must check in every tournament in the morning. You must stay in the parking lot in the morning until released. Fishing
is restricted to water within the park. (You can not leave hosting park to gain access to water). No driving on any dirt road
or grass and No Speeding in the park (Do the speed limit).
NO FISHING BY PARENTS. Child can only fish with one rod at a time (One rod in the water). Parent can only help land
the fish either by net or hand. Fishing is restricted to the shore (Stay out of the water). Only Largemouth and Peacock Bass
will count. Fish must come to the scales in a weigh bag (with water) or cooler (live well). 5 Fish limit - 10" minimum. Dead
Fish Penalty of .13 per fish.
You must be back to the scale at 10:30 am SHARP!!!
Points will be accumulated from each tournament. Points will be given to each angler for fishing in each tournament even
if he/she does not catch any fish. After the last tournament in October all participants’ points will be totaled and
the top 20 anglers will be invited to fish the Classic.
Award Categories:
First through third place prizes will be awarded for both Small Fry and Junior age categories. Small Fry is through age
10 and Junior is through the age of 16.
Wildcard Tournament and Classic & Angler of the Year:
Tournament hours for the Wildcard and Classic Tournaments are from 7:00 am to 10:30 am There will be a wild card tournament
in November. To be eligible for the Wild Card tournament the angler must fish in three previous tournaments that year. There
will be no age group categories in the Wild Card tournament or the Classic. The top three anglers from the Wild Card tournament
will be invited to fish in the Classic in December. Anglers already eligible to fish the Classic will not be eligible to fish
in the Wild Card tournament. There will be no points awarded for this tournament. Angler of the Year will be awarded to angler
with most points accumulated after the Classic in December. In December, the winner of the Bass Fishing Kids Fishing Classic
will win an 8ft. Pond Boat with trolling motor.
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